Wednesday, March 27, 2013

World Wide Rave

World Wide Rave by David Scott

World Wide Rave is a book written by David Scott. This book aims to teach it readers how to advance their businesses and products by creating a world wide rave doing things like being creative and using cost effective solutions. A particular idea I liked very much is doing your own advertising for your company instead of hiring a marketing or advertising agency to do it for you at a higher expense. Scott provides ample advice about creating a rave instead of ranting and shares the stories of business owners/entrepreneurs that were able to successfully reach a new market, promote a product, and cater their products to millions and millions of customers.   

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nanny's cakes

(My wedding cake)

(My brother-in-law's wedding cake)

(My sister-in-law wedding cake)
So I have come up with a great way to help my mother in law's business. She bakes cakes for special ocassions like weddings, birthdays, baptisms and more. During the past five years she hasn't been successful at selling her amazing cakes because there hasn't been much marketing regarding her business. Therefore for my business project I'm determined to get the name of her business out there and hopefully make Nanny's Cakes into a famous cake shop. (All three pictures of the cakes in this blog are cakes that my mother in law has made.)